Latest Past Events

CVG 2022 Seminar-8: Mindfulness:  can it change the brain? 

Speaker: Dr. Liz Pang Seminar will be conducted online via Zoom @ 5:30 pm EDT Abstract Mindfulness is a concept that has been receiving a lot of attention in our popular culture.  As a basic concept, it is defined as having a moment-by-moment awareness of what is happening in one’s own self and in one’s surroundings […]


CVG 2022 Seminar-7: Stability Study for Pharmaceuticals

Speaker: Dr. Chung Chow Chan  Seminar will be conducted online via Zoom @ 5:30 pm EDT Abstract The purpose of stability testing in the pharmaceutical industry is to understand how the quality of a drug substance or drug product varies with time under the influence of a variety of environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and […]


CVG 2022 Seminar-6: X-ray Crystallography for Pharmaceuticals  

Speaker: Dr. Jim Britten and Vicky Jarvis  Seminar will be conducted online via Zoom @ 5:30 pm EDT Abstract In this presentation we will take a quick look at the process of X-ray diffraction from crystalline materials. We will demonstrate the process of determining the structure and absolute configuration of an organic molecule using single crystal […]
