Calibration and Validation Group (CVG) was founded in early 1995 by Drs. Herman Lam, Chung Chow Chan and Y.C. Lee in Toronto Canada. Initially, the membership is mainly from the regulated pharmaceutical industry. The participation has grown over the years to include scientists from wide range of backgrounds which include pharmaceuticals, chemicals, environmental, food, distilleries, bio-technology, instrument vendors, government agencies, local colleges and universities. CVG was officially incorporated as a nonprofit organization in Canada in 1999.
The objectives of the Calibration & Validation Group are:
-To provide a forum to discuss related issues in the art and science of instrument calibration and method validation.
-To get to know fellow colleagues from different organizations.
-To promote the knowledge and ideas exchange.
-To learn about recent advances in analytical techniques and instrumentation.
-To increase awareness of GMP/GLP/Regulatory compliance